HI everyone!
I'm feeling its kind of unfair Adam Lambert is getting so much attention! JIRO IS BETTER! you hear that miao ling? yupss, and for my very first post, i shall post a picture of Fahreneheit!
** posting pic **
The pic looks tiny. Why???! Forget it. I, Emily Eng, agree with everyone else that I am a total idiot on HTML codes and whatnot. I can't do IT stuff for NUTS!! And I totally agree with Ama. My progress report sucked too. Just like our dear Charlie Gordon's. Does anyone hate that guy as much as I do now? (reading the book multiple times just for the sake of SAs is getting on my nerves, as you can tell)
Now I'm currently looking for poems online. Don't ask me why I'm doing this. As you all know, I'm lame.
*yawn* feeling sleepy.
And hungry.
Gawsh, I'm gonna get really obese someday if I continue pigging out like this. ><
cursing our progress reports,
Emily *stomach grumbles* ><