Currently I am in the touched-grateful-sweet-aww-mood right now after reading Zhen Min's post.
Zhen Min ah, you made me cry. Seriously shizzles in fact my mum just asked if there was something wrong. You can't help it if you just happen to be listening to Westlife's Swear It Again while reading that..
"I swore to share your joy and your pain.. And I swear it all over again."
Haha I was already tearing when I read "Dania I know you are about to cry" (: You know me too well haha. And I just died reading "Counting down the days we meet."
Thankyou Zhen Min for the super sweet post *insert huge heart here*
I think that made me realise how I really treasure our batch, and Ringers of course. From being reserved Sec 1s who talked little and merely smiled when we met in the corridors, to a closely bonded batch filled with hugs and smiles (:
Through all the torment, difficulties and hardship,
Standing by each other, through it all,
With never ending support, love and friendship,
Make it through the storms together and forever more.
Can't believe I actually wrote that (:
Together forever, never apart.
Maybe in distance, but never in heart.
You know I think I'm the luckiest person in the world right now.
This is my heart; all of you are in it.

Im re-using the old picture haha.