ROTELLE'S (: We can raise 3kg with one hand okay.Zhen: Let's play a game! | Mun: What game! | Zhen: Some game! -giggles hysterically- Yifeng: Let's play again! | Zhen: What game! -giggles- EVERYONE CRACKS UP. :D | Zhen: BANGS HEAD AGAINST WALL |
Revival! - Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 6/29/2009 09:46:00 PM
![]() YO people :D As you can see, this blog is DEAD. xD So, dearest batchmates who went for batch outing on Wednesday please do update us on our WONDERFUL outing (: Where you guys watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past? (: *sighhh* Gah school just reopened, and stress + homework + PT's + GA's are back! D: Hahah dont fret cos raffles ringers is here to light up your day! :D K lame.. Nvm :D Cya, DANIA <3
BATCH LUNCH - Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 6/21/2009 05:44:00 PM
OKAY>? I tink we shld bring out themometers to sch. Cos H1N1 really kinda BIG right now. Any of u read the INET annoucement? OK. Batch lunch/.!@ Batch lunch On wednesday aft self practice ok? which is 9am to 12pm. WHOA. Pls tell me u all can come!!. Xcept Yan tong whos at chalet right now. !! Lets all wear our 130 shirt on weds. Will look more like a team!! hahah/ Kays. Erm reply by any way u can. THKQ Missin u. THE BUBBLE-BUBBLE mattress. ZM |
ParadeBlah - Wednesday, June 17, 2009 @ 6/17/2009 05:18:00 PM
This blog is so dead D:
I CAN MEMORISE PARADE! :D Hahah I rock :) Can Emily memorise? She doesn't have the score. Can't wait to see you guys! Less than a week :) DamnMyBoysOverFlowersAddiction, Miao Ling <3 |
JUNE - Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 6/08/2009 03:34:00 PM
I am feeling really bored. Arent u all bored. Nothing to do 4 2wks until handbellies starts. Ahhahhahahhhahhahhah. I have officially gone CRAZY/ I want to eat CHOCOLATE. Heh! Hu wans another batch lunch on Weds>The self prac date on the 4th wk? If its in the morning. pls post or tag to reply haha. Miao ling u relinked le mah?? I memorised PARADE YEAH!! bt i tink i will 4gt until da 4th wk. So sad :( All of us nt in ms.goh's grp 4 grp ring. Xcept LUCKY shinae and yantong. ahahah.
OFFICIALLY CRAZY, ZM PS. Emily!! where have u been?? I didnt c u anywhere AT ALL!! |
Batch lunch at Secret Recipe... - Thursday, June 4, 2009 @ 6/04/2009 10:23:00 PM
Hey all my wonderfully-awesome batch mates! Today, 4th of May, willl be marked as our first un-official batch outing (: Yep yep.. As the 2 other previous posts has mentioned, we went to Secret Recipe at Plaza Singapura. All our stomachs were growling by the time we arrived ( we had to wait quite a long time for the 190 bus...). We took the bus with our sec 2 seniors, who were also on their way to Plaza Sing to catch a movie. If I'm not wrong, its "Night at The Museum II". Hope they had fun.. Like all the others,I also took this opportunity to take pfotos, like tourists eating at Secret Recipe. HAHA (: Some of them may be repeated though.. okays.. Here we go: ![]() Part of the menu.. Miao Ling got a great deal out of this offer.. (: Some pictures we took while waiting for our food...
![]() ![]() Figured out which fingers belong to who? Well, this is another clue.. This picture was taken from my POV (: Go Figure.. ![]() Munaya's dish came first-its Beef Lasagne (is that how you spell???) Mmm.. Mouth-watering ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
So thats that! Hope you guys had fun in the first week of June hols! Cya soon.. Your batch-mate, Ama ;) |
Ringers Batch Lunch! - @ 6/04/2009 07:50:00 PM
Hey everyone! :D Awesome-Dania-who-hates-chimes is here! (:
Since miaoling was too lazy to post the pictures, i shall post the pictures here! xD Hahahaha.. Sorry to all those who couldn't go D: It was really fun, so sorry that you 4 missed it :( Oh well, hopefully we'll have another batch outing! Yupp we took a bus together with the Sec 2 ringers and went to Plaza Singapura! And ate at Secret Recipe! AND AND AND AND it was super nice and we spent $102 in total! By the way, i was scared to death today because of the scary seniors! xD *coughcough especially those who were standing next to me coughcough* ![]() From left to right: Amalina, Hannah, Miaoling, Dania! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Munaya: "Aiyo everything also want to take picture! Like photographer or tourist!" Dania: "Hahaha..." ![]() ![]() ![]() Our name tags! xD Miaoling forgot to bring hers :( ![]() ![]() Hannah: "Mine is the widest-looking fingers!" Dania: "Mine is the darkest (dont know whether u can tell)" Miaoling's are the smallest-spaced! Munaya's are the longest! And Ama's is the remaining finger! GO FIGURE. ![]() I took this when they werent lookin :) |
- @ 6/04/2009 04:49:00 PM
Hello Ringers :)
For those who didn't make it for our batch outing, we can only say "too bad" D: because we had quite a lot of fun actually! We went to Times, Secret Recipe (where many of us left bloated), and Made with Love! I think we all loved and were impressed by Made with Love! It's an awesome store <3>during the December holidays! However it's half a year (and millions of papers) away, so it's kinda far-fetched. But nevermind. The prices for a one-day workshop (around 3 hours) range from $35 to $85! Hahah we're keen on Just Getting Started and From Russia with Love ($35 and $45 respectively). And Munaya has attended one of the workshop in its other branch before! :) Yes I'm very interested in this scrapbooking lesson!! The whole shop is filled with pretty stuff, letters, fancy papers, and many other random stuff which are so pwettaye :) Like stuff from Japan and Korean ykno. So. If you guys bothered to read the above and would like to go! Please tell us perhaps before November? We can go during the EOY hols. And, Secret Recipe. It's an awesome store. We paid around $100 so on the Secret Recipe card we have 5 out of 10 stickers, which gives us a freee Iced Lemon Tea! For anyone of you guys who will be going to Secret Recipe anytime soon, get the card from me and your Iced Lemon Tea from Secret Recipe! Another 2 more stickers we'll get another free salad (Hannah's favourite :D), and if we get 10 stickers we'll get a free cake! I want the Banana&Chocolate one HAHAHAHAHAH it's delicious :) Not to mention, sinful. The photos we took at Plaza Sing are with Hannah/Ama/Dania so if you're reading this, quickly type in "blogger.com" at your URL box now! :) I look pretty retarded in the pictures heh. Yep I'm too lazy to upload those on my cam but they're pretty much the same. And get well soon Emily! Hahah we have to memorise Parade of the Tin Soldier notes! And familiarize with Carribean Canon and Roundelay :) Roundelay's quite nice, right, Hannah? :D GROUPINGS ARE OUT. For the fest. Lucky GYT and Shinae got Miss Goh's group, and they'll be ringing THE PRAYER. *Envyenvy* The song sounds darn nice with chimes. Hope I don't get stuck with PLMGSS people. They aren't very nice D: EngagedToG3, Miao Ling <3 |
Batch Lunch - Wednesday, June 3, 2009 @ 6/03/2009 06:24:00 PM
Hello fellow ringers! :)
This is Dania-your-awesome-batchmate here! :D This is regarding the batch lunch tomorrow, and apparently were facing some problems. Yan Tong will not be able to make it, and Shinae says maybe she cant make it too. So are we still continuing with the lunch since like 1 or 2 of us can't go? PLEASE REPLY ASAP! (: Oh and Shinae asks if we can go anywhere else besides Secret Recipe cause she doesnt want to eat western food etc.. I dont mind anything, really :D PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reply! xD |
- Tuesday, June 2, 2009 @ 6/02/2009 04:51:00 PM
:) apparently no one's posting. Except Dania, Zhen Min, me. Hahah but that doesn't matter - just read! :)
Don't you think today's prac was tiring? Well, at least it was for me ): Hard time playing Carribean Canoe (!?)'s Bar 57 to 64. But I guess the rest of the song and Roundelay was kinda reasonable. Hahah do you know 'roundelay' is a form of French poetry! How coool. Yes, batch lunch. For those who didn't come today (and hopefully reads this), we plan to have a batch lunch after Thursday's prac (not self) until around 3? We've not confirmed the place, but it should be opposite Plaza Singapura, you know there's this considerably huge Fish and Co. there! Yeah it's awesome but Fish & Co. is kinda expensive. But I <3 the soup and drink! :) So those who read this, please tag and RSVP! :) My knuckles still hurt ): However it was nice seeing Ama and Hannah being tortured after they were brought from treble to bass for Roundelay! :) Miao Ling <3 |
BORED - Monday, June 1, 2009 @ 6/01/2009 03:34:00 PM
I guess every1 saw my glouroiuos post!!! I was really bored so I drew dat!! Isnt dat COOL!!! Lots of JUNE hols work MAMAMA. O YANTONG!! U DIDNT POST ! SINGLE THING OR TAG!!! WHERE R UUUUUUUUUU??? K BYE FOR NOIW!!(AGITATED IN CAPS!) ZHEN MIN Longing for a bar of chocolate... |
- @ 6/01/2009 03:30:00 PM
Revival! - Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 6/29/2009 09:46:00 PM
![]() YO people :D As you can see, this blog is DEAD. xD So, dearest batchmates who went for batch outing on Wednesday please do update us on our WONDERFUL outing (: Where you guys watched Ghosts of Girlfriends Past? (: *sighhh* Gah school just reopened, and stress + homework + PT's + GA's are back! D: Hahah dont fret cos raffles ringers is here to light up your day! :D K lame.. Nvm :D Cya, DANIA <3
BATCH LUNCH - Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 6/21/2009 05:44:00 PM
OKAY>? I tink we shld bring out themometers to sch. Cos H1N1 really kinda BIG right now. Any of u read the INET annoucement? OK. Batch lunch/.!@ Batch lunch On wednesday aft self practice ok? which is 9am to 12pm. WHOA. Pls tell me u all can come!!. Xcept Yan tong whos at chalet right now. !! Lets all wear our 130 shirt on weds. Will look more like a team!! hahah/ Kays. Erm reply by any way u can. THKQ Missin u. THE BUBBLE-BUBBLE mattress. ZM |
ParadeBlah - Wednesday, June 17, 2009 @ 6/17/2009 05:18:00 PM
This blog is so dead D:
I CAN MEMORISE PARADE! :D Hahah I rock :) Can Emily memorise? She doesn't have the score. Can't wait to see you guys! Less than a week :) DamnMyBoysOverFlowersAddiction, Miao Ling <3 |
JUNE - Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 6/08/2009 03:34:00 PM
I am feeling really bored. Arent u all bored. Nothing to do 4 2wks until handbellies starts. Ahhahhahahhhahhahhah. I have officially gone CRAZY/ I want to eat CHOCOLATE. Heh! Hu wans another batch lunch on Weds>The self prac date on the 4th wk? If its in the morning. pls post or tag to reply haha. Miao ling u relinked le mah?? I memorised PARADE YEAH!! bt i tink i will 4gt until da 4th wk. So sad :( All of us nt in ms.goh's grp 4 grp ring. Xcept LUCKY shinae and yantong. ahahah.
OFFICIALLY CRAZY, ZM PS. Emily!! where have u been?? I didnt c u anywhere AT ALL!! |
Batch lunch at Secret Recipe... - Thursday, June 4, 2009 @ 6/04/2009 10:23:00 PM
Hey all my wonderfully-awesome batch mates! Today, 4th of May, willl be marked as our first un-official batch outing (: Yep yep.. As the 2 other previous posts has mentioned, we went to Secret Recipe at Plaza Singapura. All our stomachs were growling by the time we arrived ( we had to wait quite a long time for the 190 bus...). We took the bus with our sec 2 seniors, who were also on their way to Plaza Sing to catch a movie. If I'm not wrong, its "Night at The Museum II". Hope they had fun.. Like all the others,I also took this opportunity to take pfotos, like tourists eating at Secret Recipe. HAHA (: Some of them may be repeated though.. okays.. Here we go: ![]() Part of the menu.. Miao Ling got a great deal out of this offer.. (: Some pictures we took while waiting for our food...
![]() ![]() Figured out which fingers belong to who? Well, this is another clue.. This picture was taken from my POV (: Go Figure.. ![]() Munaya's dish came first-its Beef Lasagne (is that how you spell???) Mmm.. Mouth-watering ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
So thats that! Hope you guys had fun in the first week of June hols! Cya soon.. Your batch-mate, Ama ;) |
Ringers Batch Lunch! - @ 6/04/2009 07:50:00 PM
Hey everyone! :D Awesome-Dania-who-hates-chimes is here! (:
Since miaoling was too lazy to post the pictures, i shall post the pictures here! xD Hahahaha.. Sorry to all those who couldn't go D: It was really fun, so sorry that you 4 missed it :( Oh well, hopefully we'll have another batch outing! Yupp we took a bus together with the Sec 2 ringers and went to Plaza Singapura! And ate at Secret Recipe! AND AND AND AND it was super nice and we spent $102 in total! By the way, i was scared to death today because of the scary seniors! xD *coughcough especially those who were standing next to me coughcough* ![]() From left to right: Amalina, Hannah, Miaoling, Dania! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Munaya: "Aiyo everything also want to take picture! Like photographer or tourist!" Dania: "Hahaha..." ![]() ![]() ![]() Our name tags! xD Miaoling forgot to bring hers :( ![]() ![]() Hannah: "Mine is the widest-looking fingers!" Dania: "Mine is the darkest (dont know whether u can tell)" Miaoling's are the smallest-spaced! Munaya's are the longest! And Ama's is the remaining finger! GO FIGURE. ![]() I took this when they werent lookin :) |
- @ 6/04/2009 04:49:00 PM
Hello Ringers :)
For those who didn't make it for our batch outing, we can only say "too bad" D: because we had quite a lot of fun actually! We went to Times, Secret Recipe (where many of us left bloated), and Made with Love! I think we all loved and were impressed by Made with Love! It's an awesome store <3>during the December holidays! However it's half a year (and millions of papers) away, so it's kinda far-fetched. But nevermind. The prices for a one-day workshop (around 3 hours) range from $35 to $85! Hahah we're keen on Just Getting Started and From Russia with Love ($35 and $45 respectively). And Munaya has attended one of the workshop in its other branch before! :) Yes I'm very interested in this scrapbooking lesson!! The whole shop is filled with pretty stuff, letters, fancy papers, and many other random stuff which are so pwettaye :) Like stuff from Japan and Korean ykno. So. If you guys bothered to read the above and would like to go! Please tell us perhaps before November? We can go during the EOY hols. And, Secret Recipe. It's an awesome store. We paid around $100 so on the Secret Recipe card we have 5 out of 10 stickers, which gives us a freee Iced Lemon Tea! For anyone of you guys who will be going to Secret Recipe anytime soon, get the card from me and your Iced Lemon Tea from Secret Recipe! Another 2 more stickers we'll get another free salad (Hannah's favourite :D), and if we get 10 stickers we'll get a free cake! I want the Banana&Chocolate one HAHAHAHAHAH it's delicious :) Not to mention, sinful. The photos we took at Plaza Sing are with Hannah/Ama/Dania so if you're reading this, quickly type in "blogger.com" at your URL box now! :) I look pretty retarded in the pictures heh. Yep I'm too lazy to upload those on my cam but they're pretty much the same. And get well soon Emily! Hahah we have to memorise Parade of the Tin Soldier notes! And familiarize with Carribean Canon and Roundelay :) Roundelay's quite nice, right, Hannah? :D GROUPINGS ARE OUT. For the fest. Lucky GYT and Shinae got Miss Goh's group, and they'll be ringing THE PRAYER. *Envyenvy* The song sounds darn nice with chimes. Hope I don't get stuck with PLMGSS people. They aren't very nice D: EngagedToG3, Miao Ling <3 |
Batch Lunch - Wednesday, June 3, 2009 @ 6/03/2009 06:24:00 PM
Hello fellow ringers! :)
This is Dania-your-awesome-batchmate here! :D This is regarding the batch lunch tomorrow, and apparently were facing some problems. Yan Tong will not be able to make it, and Shinae says maybe she cant make it too. So are we still continuing with the lunch since like 1 or 2 of us can't go? PLEASE REPLY ASAP! (: Oh and Shinae asks if we can go anywhere else besides Secret Recipe cause she doesnt want to eat western food etc.. I dont mind anything, really :D PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reply! xD |
- Tuesday, June 2, 2009 @ 6/02/2009 04:51:00 PM
:) apparently no one's posting. Except Dania, Zhen Min, me. Hahah but that doesn't matter - just read! :)
Don't you think today's prac was tiring? Well, at least it was for me ): Hard time playing Carribean Canoe (!?)'s Bar 57 to 64. But I guess the rest of the song and Roundelay was kinda reasonable. Hahah do you know 'roundelay' is a form of French poetry! How coool. Yes, batch lunch. For those who didn't come today (and hopefully reads this), we plan to have a batch lunch after Thursday's prac (not self) until around 3? We've not confirmed the place, but it should be opposite Plaza Singapura, you know there's this considerably huge Fish and Co. there! Yeah it's awesome but Fish & Co. is kinda expensive. But I <3 the soup and drink! :) So those who read this, please tag and RSVP! :) My knuckles still hurt ): However it was nice seeing Ama and Hannah being tortured after they were brought from treble to bass for Roundelay! :) Miao Ling <3 |
BORED - Monday, June 1, 2009 @ 6/01/2009 03:34:00 PM
I guess every1 saw my glouroiuos post!!! I was really bored so I drew dat!! Isnt dat COOL!!! Lots of JUNE hols work MAMAMA. O YANTONG!! U DIDNT POST ! SINGLE THING OR TAG!!! WHERE R UUUUUUUUUU??? K BYE FOR NOIW!!(AGITATED IN CAPS!) ZHEN MIN Longing for a bar of chocolate... |
- @ 6/01/2009 03:30:00 PM
![]() We are: Dania K. 301 Waddlian Goh Yan Tong 302 Hadlian Munaya Mahirah 304 Richardsonian Ong Miao Ling 308 Bucklean Amalina Anwar 309 Waddlian Lau Zhen Min 311 Bucklean Hannah Goh 312 Tarbetian Paek Shinae 315 (Korea) Tarbetian We love: - Our dear seniors! - Our juniors! - American Idol (ADAM LAMBERT and kris allen!) - Soccer (Chelsea + Liverpool + Man Utd!) - Robert Pattinson! - Percy Jackson! - Chace Crawford! - the SIMPSONS! - w-e-s-t-l-i-f-e is the love. - Tokio Hotel's Bill Kaulitz + Adam Lambert = AWESOME GUYLINER. - Our conductors Miss Goh and Miss Tay and our Teacher I/Cs Mrs Ang and Mrs Poon! - Raffles! :D We want: - Gold with Honours SYF 2011! :) - Tickets to BPL Matches & F1! :) - More Tokio Hotel/Adam/Westlife CDs! :) Our Dear Seniors! J1's (: Becky. Zi Qi. Thanh. Brenda. Jo-Ann. Samantha. Amanda. Michelle. Sec 4's (: Li Ying. Wen Qi. Deborah. Grace. Zenia. Yi Feng. Sec 3's (: Cherie. Linyi. Jana. Melissa. Ting En. Hannah. Our Juniors(: Kristele. Rachel. Kai Lin. Delia. Victoria. Hui Ying. Way. Syahirah. Drusilla. Beverley. |
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Layout ;
Icons ;
Inspiration .
Previous Posts: SURPRISE! :D ; Oh man I was reading all our archives and they are... ; more love from yan tong; ; i love you guys more than ever, if that's even pos... ; ONE SHOT ; BOO! ; the last lap ; and yes dont you love me? ; 2011! ; ROTELLE THIS IS FOR YOU ♥I know this came super la... ; Previous Months: May 2009 ; June 2009 ; July 2009 ; August 2009 ; September 2009 ; October 2009 ; November 2009 ; January 2010 ; February 2010 ; March 2010 ; May 2010 ; June 2010 ; July 2010 ; August 2010 ; October 2010 ; January 2011 ; March 2011 ; April 2011 ; August 2011 ; December 2011 ;
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