Batch lunch at Secret Recipe... - Thursday, June 4, 2009 @ 6/04/2009 10:23:00 PM
Hey all my wonderfully-awesome batch mates!
Today, 4th of May, willl be marked as our first un-official batch outing (: Yep yep.. As the 2 other previous posts has mentioned, we went to Secret Recipe at Plaza Singapura. All our stomachs were growling by the time we arrived ( we had to wait quite a long time for the 190 bus...). We took the bus with our sec 2 seniors, who were also on their way to Plaza Sing to catch a movie. If I'm not wrong, its "Night at The Museum II". Hope they had fun..
Like all the others,I also took this opportunity to take pfotos, like tourists eating at Secret Recipe. HAHA (: Some of them may be repeated though.. okays.. Here we go:
Part of the menu.. Miao Ling got a great deal out of this offer.. (:
Some pictures we took while waiting for our food...
Hannah and Miao Ling
Miao Ling and Dania
Me (Ama) and Hannah
Figured out which fingers belong to who? Well, this is another clue.. This picture was taken from my POV (: Go Figure..
Munaya's dish came first-its Beef Lasagne (is that how you spell???) Mmm.. Mouth-watering
Big 'Hannah Montana: The Movie' posters which were practically everywhere..
Its my pasta. Gosh, it looks sooo weird. I wasn't expecting it to look like that. Its called 'Penne with Turkey Ham and Cheese'
'Grilled Chicken'- ordered by Hannah (:
Miao Ling's 'Seafood Marinara'.. She gave all the 'sotongs' to Hannah though...
Last but not least, Dania's 'Spaghetti Bolognaise' (I seriously cant spell..) It was a REALLY LARGE portion so it shocked me that Dania was so close to finishing it- GO DANIA! :D
So thats that! Hope you guys had fun in the first week of June hols! Cya soon..
Your batch-mate,
Ama ;)