Yan Tong don't kill me(:
Now that EYAs are over, i shall update this blog (:
Batch lunch today was awesome ttm :D Zhen Min, i hope youre happy with your lifelong partner, liony (or however you spell it). And I sure am happy with my purchase i dont regret it okayy!
I think we should have more batch lunches hoho. Thankyou guys for everything today :D
Thankyou Miaoling for recommending awesome books to me (which i would start reading soon) and helping me in the shop, thankyou Ama for being ever so patient, thankyou Hannah for fangirling with me in the store and helping me find things, thankyou Zhen Min for finishing up my lunch and for being super entertaining with liony, thankyou Yan Tong for making Zhen Min so happy and allowing me to whack you and thankyou Shinae for fangirling with me about KPOP (:
I am the luckiest person in the world to have great batchmates. Batch 12 FTW!
Love, Dania